Johor State Youth, Sports, Entrepreneur Development, Cooperatives and Human Resources Committee Chairman, Mohd Hairi Mad Shah with the recipient of the Best Sports Johor Student Award.


ISKANDAR PUTERI — Johor Student Icon is reminded to always take care of behavior, speech and personality in order to always be held in high esteem by the community.

Johor State Youth, Sports, Entrepreneur Development, Cooperatives and Human Resources Committee Chairman, Mohd Hairi Mad Shah said, as a student icon, the group is an example and role model for other students.

"It is hoped that these Student Icons will always take care of their behavior, speech and personality so that they are always held in high esteem by the community as Johor Students, High Performing Students, Johor Nation Bestari," he said while speaking at the Johor Student Icon Award Ceremony 2022, yesterday.

Commenting on the ceremony, Mohd Hairi said the state government through Yayasan Pelajaran Johor (YPJ) was once again able to host the prestigious award this year.

He said, the organization is to recognize and appreciate the success of individuals and student associations of Anak Johor in the management of organizations and programs implemented.

"The recognition of the efforts of Anak Johor students also aims to motivate and develop talent in students to become excellent people and holistic leaders," he said.

He said again, it is in line with the state government's efforts to further develop students who are competitive in facing the challenges of the revolution.

"This award is a field in producing people who are balanced in the aspects of leadership, sports, culture, volunteering, academics, innovation and entrepreneurship for involvement with the surrounding community.

"I hope that the award I won can be a starting point for Johor students in becoming exemplary and highly skilled students," he said.
